February 10 Little Niggers
Cast: Ian Croker,Donna Gayle, Sandra Cole, Patrick Russell, Mark Wheeler, John Cohen, Paul Paviour, Jean Wolff, John Spicer, Bruce Hammond, Stephen Nichol
Director: John Spicer
April Gaslight
Cast: Ian Croker, Maree Curtis, Ted Light, Catherine Eglitis
Director: Ted Light
May Pride and Prejudice
Cast: Mary Spicer, John Spicer, Jenny Brisby, Brad Jarret, Brad Nichols, Felicity Miller, Jackie Miller, Sandra Cole, Kate Lumley, Mark Wheeler, Eve Pine, Donna Gayle, John Cuffe, Paul Johnson, Ian Croker, Margaret Stapleton, Jean Wolff, Geraldine Raymond
Adapted and Directed by: John Spicer
July A Sentimental Journey (a musical excursion into the 1930s & 40s)
Cast: Ted Light, Paul Johnson, Ian Croker, Jenny Brisby, Paul Pavoiur, Mary Miller, Bill Jordan, Mary Adams, Robert Cole, Des Storrier, Evol Hewitt, Margaret Virgo, Margaret Paviour, Margaret Stapleton, Roslyn Patterson, Stephen Nichol, Maree Curtis, David Laws, Mark Wheeler
Director: Paul Johnson Musical Director: Paul Paviour
August The Crucible
Cast: Paul Johnson, Margaret Stapleton, Mary Spicer, Megan Laverty, Donna Gayle, Susan Clements, Wendy Arnall, Ted Light, Kate Lumley, Jenny Brisby, Jean Wolff, Peter Humphries, Nicholas Lidstone, John Spicer, Tony Ryall, Brad Nichol, Patrick Russell
Director: John Spicer
September The Breadwinner
Cast: Ian Croker, Jenny Brisby, Donna Gayle, Mark Wheeler, Jean Wolff, Margaret Stapleton, John Spicer, Nicholas Lidstone
Director: John Spicer
October The Glass Menagerie
Cast: Mary Spicer, Gerald Edmonds, Donna Gayle, James Heywood
Director: John Spicer
December The Other Cinderella
Cast: Ian Croker, Susan Clements, Lesley Black, Mark Wheeler, Chris Plowman, Donna Gayle, Sandra Cole, Stephen and Brad Nichol
Director: Ted Light
February The Chalk Garden
Cast: Mary Spicer, Ted Light, Sallyanne Hart, Eve Pyne, Dragina Cassab, Katherine Eglitis, Tina Nederkoorn, Margaret Stapleton, Phil Virgo
Director: John Spicer
March Catherine (World Premiere)
Cast: Evol Hewell, Peter Humphries, Jackie Miller, Margaret Stapleton, Warwick Witt, Bill Ashcroft, John Spicer Touring to Canberra Playhouse in 1980 (with Phil Virgo replacing Warwick Witt)
Director: John Spicer
April Halfway up the Tree
Cast: John Spicer, Jean Wolff, Donna Gayle, Ian Croker, Wendy Arnall, Debbie Burge, Tony Ryall, Bruce Hammond, Ted Light
Director: John Spicer
June Lizzie (World Premiere)
Cast: Margaret Stapleton, Mary Spicer
Director: John Spicer
August The Children’s Hour
Cast: Donna Gayle, Evol Hewitt, Ian Croker, Mary Spicer, Sally Kimber, Eleanor Olding, Christine Chalker, Maree Curtis, Libby Miller, Joanne Francis, Megan Laverty, Felicity Miller, Tina Archer
Director: John Spicer
September Children of the Wolf
Cast: Mark Wheeler, Donna Gayle, Jean Wolff, Simone Hewitt, Jimmy Light, Adrian Light, Peter Humphries
Director: Ted Light
October Mad Like Lassiter
Cast: Margaret Stapleton, Peter Humphries, Ian Croker, Mandy Miller, Phil Virgo, Richard Humphries
Director: John Spicer
November Quiet Weekend
Cast: Mary Spicer, John Spicer, Ian Croker, Maree Curtis, Megan Laverty, Wendy Arnall, Marie Mimslow, Jenny Brisby, Des Storrier, Ted Light, Bruce Hammond, Donna Gayle, Lynette Murray
Director: John Spicer
February Butterflies are Free
Cast: Mary Spicer, Stewart Bryant, Mandy Miller, Charlie Barber
Director: John Spicer
April No-Man’s Land
Cast: Margaret Stapleton, Kathy Eglitis, Maree Curtis, Sallyanne Langham, Ted Light, David Howard
Director: John Spicer
May Summer of the Seventeenth doll
Cast: Des Storrier, Nerida McLean, Phil Virgo, Paddy Vincent, Maree Mimslow, Jeanine Miller, Peter Humphries
Director: John Spicer
August Dark of the Moon
Cast: Frederic Hart, Mandy Miller, Peter Heath, Sallyanne Hart (Langham) Margaret Stapleton, Jeni Barringer, Ian Croker, Maree Mimslow, Tony Ryall, Seann Callinan, Mary Spicer, Jane Herived, Helen Horsfield, Peter Humphries, Warwick Witt, Kathy Peake, Patrick Jordan, Ken Bell, Mark Wheeler, Jean Wolff, Ted Light, Nicholas Lidstone, Deborah Burge, Phillip Archer
Director: John Spicer
September Here We Come Gathering
Cast: Nerida McLean, Tony Ryall, Jean Wolff, Ted Light, David Howard, Peter Humphries, Kathy Eglitis, Jackie Miller, Phil Archer
Director: Ted Light
October Who the Hell Needs Whipbirds (World Premiere)
Cast: Nicholas Lidstone, Nerida McLean, Kathy Peake, John Cuffe, Ian Croker, Mary Spicer
Director: John Spicer
December She’s Done It Again
Cast: Ian Croker, Brian Baxter, Donna Gayle, Bruce Hammond, Des Storrier, Margaret Stapleton, Warwick Witt, John Spicer, Sallyanne Hart,, Deborah, Burge, Sean Callinan
Director: John Spicer
February The Corn is Green
Cast: Jean Wolff, Ted Light, Frederic Hart, Peter Firminger, Diana Polley, Helen Horsfield, Gordon Wolff, Joanna Greenwood, Mary Spicer, Chrisjohn Hancock, Patrick jordan, Peter Heath, Phil Virgo, Kathy Eglitis, Pam Firminger
Director: John Spicer
March The Cell
Cast: Helen horsfield, Mary Spicer, Eve Pyne, Paulene Bailey, Patrick Jordan, Mandy Miller, Maree Curtis, Sallyanne Langham, Tracey Callinan, Kathy Eglitis
Director: John Spicer
April Journey’s End
Cast: John Spicer, Frederic Hart, Phil Virgo, Paul Paviour, Geoffrey Bell, Jon Dean, Ted Light, Brian Dewhurst, Peter Heath, Mark Debbs, Daniel Debbs, Mark O’Laughlin
Director: John Spicer
June The Circle
Cast: Des Storrier, Mary Spicer, Helen Horsfield, Frederic Hart, Geoffrey Bell, John Spicer, Patrick Jordan, Wendy Moffatt
Director: John Spicer
July Charley’s Aunt
Cast: Jon Dean, Geoffrey Bell, Sallyanne Langham, Helen Horsfield, Jack McBride, Ted Light, Wendy Moffatt, Tracy Callinan
Director: John Spicer
August Blithe Spirit
Cast: Diana Polley, John Spicer, Kathy Eglitis, Paulene Bailey, Patrick Jordan, Jenni Barringer, Nerida McLean
Director: John Spicer
September The Miracle Worker
Cast: Maree Curtis, Phil Virgo, Felicity Miller, Ted Light, Kathy Eglitis, Peter Firminger, Jean Wolff, Geoffrey Bell, Peter Heath, Laura Stanley, Eve Pyne
Director: Ted Light
October Arsenic and Old Lace
Cast: Paulene Bailey, Jean Wolff, Jack McBride, Patrick Jordan, John Cohen, Brad Jarret, Sallyanne Langham, Jon Dean, Gordon Wolff, Phil Virgo, Lawrie Bailey, Charlie Barber, John Spicer
Director: John Spicer
December A Christmas Carol
Cast: John Spicer, Des Storrier, Peter Heath, Brian Dewhurst, John Tilbrook, Helen Horsfield, Patrick Jordan, Robert Duffey, Eve Pyne, Stewart Bryant, Tracy Callinan, Felicity Miller, Simon Cohen, Lynden Przybylski, Libby Miller, Jeanine Miller, Helen Przybylski, Juliana Sykes, Brian Baxter, Sallyanne Langham, Pauline Bailey, Mary Spicer, Jean Wolff, Stephen Nichol, Diana Baxter, Helen Clapham, Phil Archer, Paul Paviour, Martin Bowen, Mark Gardener, Noni Przybylski, Jackie Miller, Donna Kelly, Debbie FitzGerald, Janelle Pryce, Gaylene Clapham, Bronwyn Davies, Margaret Stapleton, Ray Cole, Ian Firminger
Director: John Spicer
April Shakespeare Festival - Bowral & Goulburn
TWELFTH NIGHT Helen Horsfield, Paul Menday, John Broomhall, Des Storrier, Phil Virgo, John Tilbrook, Nicholas Loudon, Deborah Foster, Paulene Bailey, Ted Light, Andrew Scarret, Jacqi Williams, Sean Callinan, Patrick Jordan, Eve Pyne, Lawrie Bailey
KING LEAR John Spicer,Paul johnson, Des Storrier, Phil Virgo, Jean Wolff, Lawrie Bailey, Nerida McLean, Sue Pasfield, Frederic Hart, Patrick Jordan, John McLean, Stan Henderson, Andrew Scarret, Ted Light, Nicholas Lowden, Quentin Naughton, Kathy Eglitis, Sandra Robinson
HAMLET Frederic Hart, Phil Virgo, Nerida McLean, Sallyanne Langham, John Spicer, Ted Light, Stan Henderson, John Douglas, John Broomhall, Paul Johnson, Lawrie Bailey, Jon Dean, John Thompson, Nigel Duffey, John McLean, Sean Callinan, Patrick Jordan, Steven Miller, Terry Tilden, Eve Pyne, Monica Tankey, Jacqui Williams
Director: John Spicer
June Barefoot in the Park
Cast: Sallyanne Langham, Brian Baxter, Patrick Jordan, Mary Spicer, Des Storrier, John Thompson
Director: John Spicer
July There’s a Girl in my Soup
Cast: Terry Tilden, Maree Curtis, Jon Dean, Phil Virgo, Helen Horsfield, Mandy Miller, Frederic Hart
Director: John Spicer
August Relatively Speaking
Cast: Mary Spicer, John Spicer, Frederic Hart, Sallyanne Langham
Director: John Spicer
September Wait Until Dark
Cast: Paulene Bailey, Frederic Hart, Phil Virgo, Ted Light, Lawrie Bailey, Kathy Eglitis, John Alexander
Director: John Spicer
October The Golden Pathway Annual
Cast: Ted Light, Mary Spicer, Jon Dean, John Cuffe
Director: John Spicer
December The Legend of King O’Malley
Cast: John Tilbrook, Wendy Moffat, Alice McBride, Peter Heath, John King, Prue Taylor, Ken Nosworthy, Sue Ping Lee, Kathy Eglitis, Jack McBride, Brian Hill, Christine Clack, Serena Naughton, Phil Virgo, Anne Llewellyn, Mandy Miller, Virginia Ford, Lawrie Bailey
Director: Paul Johnson
Of Mice and Men
Murder Without Crime
The White Liars & Black Comedy
The Odd Couple
Night Must Fall
The Party
Ring Round the Moon
The Tinder Box
Relatively Speaking
The Poker Session
Dick Whittington
Fools Rush In
The Heiress
Outward Bound
St Peter’s Umbrella