The Lieder Youth Theatre Company
Established 1993
Providing regional and isolated youth in the Goulburn area with recreational and training opportunities in the performing arts.

The Lieder Youth Theatre Company has emerged over the years as a major training ground and public platform for local youth with a passion to express themselves through the arts and explore career options in the performing arts.
The Lieder Youth Theatre Company undertakes to present at least one major performance project each year as well as perform at many of the major outdoor entertainment events in Goulburn as fire-performers, acrobats, clowns, stilrt-walkers and dancers.
The Lieder Youth Theatre Company has evolved out of the Lieder Theatre Company (est. 1891), which provides the focus for the performing arts in and around Goulburn, NSW. While the youth company is actively involved in the main Company's productions, it's primary function is to provide training opportunities and youth specific devised performances for the youth culture within the region.
As well as the regular weekly and holiday workshop programs young people perform in and fulfil backstage production skills training on all the Lieder Theatre Company's mainstage plays.
The Lieder Youth Theatre Company is a subcommittee of the Lieder Theatre Company. It is run by volunteer members of the Lieder Theatre, notably Jack Bell, Blake Selmes, and Jock McLean. It occasionally receives funding to employ professional tutors to train & work with the young members on a project by project basis.