George Orwell’s 1984
Cast: Courtney McKenzie, Blake Selmes, Ryan Paranthoiene, Ben Pik, Kathy Campbell, David Rayner, Lily McKellar, Greg Angus, Tom Chalker.
Director: Chrisjohn Hancock
March 2020
interrupted by the first COVID 19 lockdown

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 1984 - By George Orwell

Based on the iconic novel by George Orwell, 1984 brings us the story of Winston Smith, a cog in the giant machine state of Oceania. Physically and mentally under the omnipresent eye of Big Brother, Winston has been caught struggling for scraps of love and freedom in a world awash with distrust and violence.
Listed as one of the BBC's top 100 most influential novels, 1984 continues to resonate in today's world, and this stage adaptation is equally as powerful.
