Erin WillIams

Erin first performed at the Lieder in 1993 in a Foyer play The Lesson, and has since been in many Lieder plays including Monochrome (toured to Florida USA and Goleniow, Poland), The 13 Storey Treehouse, The Three Musketeers, Periphery (with guests from Teatr Brama, Poland), The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Masquerade, Garungatch and Mirringan, A Streetcar Named Desire, Australia Day, Moon over Buffalo, Much Ado About Nothing, Twelfth Night, The Laramie Project, Life’s a Bitch, Comin’ Home Soon, The Hollow, Rabbit Hole, Wolf Lullaby, Stepping Out, Secret Bridesmaids’ Business, Cloudstreet, The Colour Play (which toured to Monaco, Spain and USA).

Windfall, The Jungle Book, Macbeth, Noises Off, The Ballad of Mary Ann Brownlow (which toured the region), On the Bridge and G’Day Mate (both of which toured to the Czech Republic and England), Charley’s Aunt, Under Milkwood, Blackrock, Dinkum Assorted and Cosi.

For Canberra Repertory, Erin performed in An Inspector Calls and Black Comedy, and, again for the Lieder, has performed in its Fire Shows and Shakespeare on the Run. Erin has stage managed a range of Lieder productions, including Blackbird, Journey Through the Impossible and Fire in the Basement. Through 2020, she organised and co-ordinated the Mighty Playwrights project which resulted in 11 short plays written by local children and performed by the Lieder.